Fri May 15th The winner by a whisker was Jonathan Staniforth with 34 points
- Baldey, Simon
- Carr, Andrew
- Draffan, Nigel
- Fernie, Michael
- Gordon, Alastair
- Howick, Keith
- Percival, Bob
- Staniforth, Jonathan
Match report
12 of us gathered at an unearthly hour at Goodwood's glorious Downland course but nourished by bacon butties, Anne King and two youngsters ,Will Devitt and Rex Worth, who reduced the average age from 60 to 40 , we set off with 3 foursomes and much needed buggies for the old crocks.We were all given much encouragement as the first shot of the day dribbled along the ground as far as the ladies tee but thereafter the following group all achieved a par which was never emulated again.
Much fun was had by all on this testing course and tales of all our exploits were regaled at a late lunch .Everyone received a prize for one reason or another but the more notable ones went to Stanners as the outright winner of the wooden Rocking Chair with 34 points , to Mike Fernie for nearest the pin, to Rex Worth for the longest drive, to Anne King as the best turned out and to our Chairman for the wooden spoon with points I can't recall.
Match info
The Downs course at The Kennels